Dongsue Logistics, a trustworthy company and the best companion, will show you the best, safe and differentiated service.
Established in 1987, Dongsue Logistics has accumulated steady know-how and experience over a long period of time.
Even in the rapidly changing area, we are always trying to provide the best service and solutions, and we are trying to help our customers step and grow.
We are a reliable partner of our clients and promise to do our best to achieve the success of our clients together.
Currently, Dongsue Logistics is transporting cargo safely and in a timely manner to anywhere in the world through overseas offices and partners, including Incheon warehouse and Busan office..
We want to provide better services to our clients through investment and innovation ahead of the fast-changing business environment.
In addition, we are striving to play a role as a company that continuously fulfills its responsibility for the local community and the environment and pursues social values.
Dongsue Logistics values our valuable human resources, always prioritizes safety and efficiency, and seeks to contribute to the growth and development of our clients.
We are composed of passionate and professional talents, and we will achieve greater achievements through close cooperation with our customers and partners.
Thank you for walking with us for the success and development of our customers, and we promise to be your best partner for continuous development in the future.
Thank you.
Y. T. SEO.
Dongsue Logistics CEO